Posts written by raxilia;running

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    Partecipo con:

    - My little soul will leave a footprint - Bleach
    - The Sun and the Rainfall - Bleach
    - I'm leaving bitterness behind, this time - Bleach
    - Precious and fragile things, need special handling - Bleach
    - Is this a love in disguise or just a form of art? - Bleach
    - Now, this is fun - Bleach
    - It's time to pay the price - Bleach
    - Maybe I'm the right one, maybe I'm the wrong - Space Dandy
    - Show me what it is you believe in - Space Dandy
    - Deep regrets, I could never forget you - Space Dandy
    - Take me through the future - Space Dandy
    - Just give me a pain that I’m used to - Bleach

    Edited by raxilia;running - 3/7/2016, 23:55
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    Ciao! Mi ha invitata Eneri_Mess e trovo questa sfida molto interessante quindi vorrei partecipare anche io! :supar:
2 replies since 11/6/2012